Saturday, October 22, 2011

Code of Ethics

According to NAEYC code of ethics, we have a responsiblity to children, families and community.

"Our paramount responsibility is toprovide care and education in settings that are safe, healthy, nurturing, and responsive for each child. We are committed to supporting children’s development and learning; respecting individual differences; and helping children learn to live, play, and work cooperatively" (NAEYC, 2005).

As a Family Child Care Provider, I have a great responsibility to ensure we provide a warm safe, and nurturing environment for children to strive to their fullest potential. Children should be able to explore and discover freely as they play and learn. Children should be respected and treated as the unique individuals that they are. Through assessments, observations and individual interaction, I am able to discover their talents, interests and skills so that I can plan developmental appropriate activitities and lessons to help them develop physically, cognitively, emotional/socially and linguistically.

Like the children, we have the responsiblity of ensuring we respect the families, regardless of income, race, gender, language, culture, educational level, home location, familly structure and values. I learn a lot about the child when I establish a relationship with the family. Communication is important because we want to keep all parties informed about the needs of the child. All the while, I respect confidentiality. Parents are aware they can discuss matters regarding their children and family so that we can work together. I can provide resources, support and information that they may need.

"Because the family and the early childhood practitioner have a common interest in the child’s well-being, we acknowledge a primary responsibility to bring about communication, cooperation, and collaboration between the home and early childhood program in ways that enhance the child’s development" (NAEYC, 2005).

Speaking of resources, our community provides valuable information for all parties. I understand it is my responsiblity to become involved to make our community a better place for the children and their families. I keep in contact with Child Care Resource and Referral agency, Public Library, Parks-n-Recs, Organizations such as First Steps, Low Country United Way and so on to help address issues and gain expertise. The community helps us find services needed by the children and families.

"Our responsibilities to the community are to provide programs that meet the diverse needs of families, to cooperate with agencies and professions that share the responsibility for children, to assist families in gaining access to those agencies and allied professionals, and to assist in the development of community programs that are needed but not currently available" (NAEYC, 2005).

Similiar to NAEYC code of ethics, The Division of Early Childhood focuses on the enhancement of children & family quality of lives and family centered practices.These ethics support the needs of children with disabilities and their families.  In addition, professional development and preparatation is critical when providing sevices for the children and family.

I make great strides in ensuring I receive desired amount of trainig, if not more, through DSS and other organizations. The field of Early Childhood is constantly changing and I feel it is important to learn new theories and practices to help support the needs of all children, exceptional children, family and community.

"Professional Development and Preparation is critical to providing the most effective services for young children with disabilities and their families" (DEC, 2000).

Through family centered practices, again we value and respect the child and their families. Parents of children with disabilities are the greatest source. Again working together can help us all establish goals and help the child succeed and meet those goals with or without special education.

With a child with disability, it is important to be a voice for him and oversee that he receives the best possible help he can to be successful. Like my son, I am a voice for many other children. Enhancement of children's and families quality of life informs us to respect and honor the child and families. We should do the best we can in improving the developmental needs of the child.

NAEYC. (2005, April). Code of ethical conduct and statement of commitment. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from
The Division for Early Childhood. (2000, August). Code of ethics. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Additional Resources

SCECA Southern Early Childhood Association

SCAEYC South Carolina Association for the Education of Young Children

Gambetti, A. (2002). How to Keep Children Safe, Yet Allow Some Risks Necessary for Learning.Child Care Exchange, pg 147.

Creative Curriculum Developmental Continuum Assessement

National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities

Course Resources

Part 2: Global Support for Children’s Rights and Well-Being

Note: Explore the resources in Parts 3 and 4 in preparation for this week’s Application assignment.

Part 3: Selected Early Childhood Organizations

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Words of Inspiration and Motivation

"The greatest sign of success for a to be able to say,
"The children are now working as if I did not exist."
Maria Montessori

"One test of the correctness of educational procedure is the happiness of the child."
Maria Montessori

"We cannot know the consequences of suppressing a child's spontaneity when he is just beginning to be active. Education cannot be effective unless it helps a child to open up himself to life."
Maria Montessor

"It was developed in an effort to help people with disabilities and serious problem behavior with methods that would be effective in changing undesirable patterns of behavior; respectful of a person's dignity; and successful in promoting a person's capabilities, expanding a person's opportunities, and enhancing the quality of a person's lifestyle. The essential features of positive behavioral support include a grounding in person-centered values; a commitment to outcomes that are meaningful from the perspective of a person's preferred lifestyle; a reliance on individualized, functional assessment; and an appreciation and utilization of multiple interventions and support strategies."
Ann Turnbull

Children are still trying to figure out all their different identities and they're trying to figure out who other people are. Anti-bias approach not only helps chidren but teachers to figure out who they are. I want to create a safer, more just world for all kids."
Louise Derman-Sparks

"We as professionals in the early childhood field have the opportunity to shape a child's  life for the better."
Sandy Escobido

I truly want to make a difference in the community by helping one child be able to be successful in the classroom 
Raymond Hernandez MS Ed

"I see early childhood education, is a civil rights issue. The right to what we think about in relationship to a childhood that leads you-leaves you ready for optimun life experiences. Strong policies, everyone should have choices."
Renatta M. Cooper

"Person, values, profession. Families needs support. Parents can thrive with resources."
Leticia Lara LCSW

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Personal Childhood Web

The Williams Family

My Mom: After my parents got back together, her focus was her children and family. She stayed home and opened up her Family Child Care Home and still continues this til this day. She is kind and easy to talk to. Every Sunday, we had family day where we spent this time as a family. My father was in the Military and was hardly home. Sunday was the only time we could stay in and be a family. My mom made it very easy for us to come and talk to her about anything. She boosted our confidence and self-esteem by becoming active in our school and conducting fashion shows for the community. It was she, I became inspired to work with children as well. Today, we still exchange ideas and opinions regarding cooking, curriculum, parenting and so on. She has been there for all of our developmental needs even social when our Father went to War. She kept everything together.

My Dad: Career was Military and as I mentioned, he was hardly home. When he was home, he would make his famous spaghetti and hot dogs. My mom and dad believed in a education and wanted us to succeed. My dad, would stay up as last as possible, when I was having trouble with my homework. He would always check our work to ensure we had the right answers and explain how to solve them. He wanted us to go in to the school with the confidence of knowing and understanding our subjects at hand.

I recall times when my parents came outside and played kickball with us. The next thing we knew, the whole housing area was playing too (children and their parents). I remember the water fights and all. Overall, my parents were very supportive, though they had busy schedules, they still made time for us. This was the best a child could ever have. We felt loved and important.

My siblings: I am the oldest of the bunch. They looked up to me for advice, however, there were things they taught me as well. Moving around every three years with the Military, we were each others support when entering a new school. Later we would meet our friends and often bounded together and hang out.

My sister and cousin: My cousin became a member of our family when her mother became ill. Our cousin is best know as our sister. Together, we would share many ideas and clothes too. Lol When we needed someone to talk to (about boys), we would turn to one another. We each possess different skills and taught or inspired each other. I was into art and dance, my sister Cheer leading and my cousin, Music. We were the three trios. Today, my sister is inspired by education, that she is now attending college for Child Development.

My brother: Was our protector and us his. No one was allowed to mess with his sisters. It was he who taught us how to climb trees, build large snowballs and more. Importantly, as we got older, he introduced me to his best friend in High School. 19 years later, my husband and I are still happily together.

I am thankful for my family.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Creative Art

Finally has grasp of the marker. Was so excited he can draw his own hand.

Never had the experience with snow. Created snowman out of cotton balls and utilized assorted materials from their homes and mine to create.

The children's first snow. They created the family, including the dog.

Being creative with chalk.

The girls were sharing about their families. The one on the right is going to be a big sister. Mom is at the top of the page, daddy is big and tall he is the big one, she just finished drawing herself and the small circle is the baby.
2 years old and understands her name starts with M. Wrote M's all across the board.

The young and the new

"Behind every successful child is someone who cares".
-Unknown Author

"We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today."
- Stacia Tauscher

"Children are like wet cement. Whatever falls on them makes an impression".
- Dr. Hiam Ginnot

"Tell me and I forget. Show me and I remember. Involve me and I understand."
- Chinese proverb